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AF7YL Fran GMT -04:00 


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My Amateur Radio Interests – click a word to find out more:

Some Favorite Radio Amateur Sites:

Twitter: Dr. Tamitha Skov

Space Weather Woman, Amateur Radio Operator, Space Weather Physicicst.


Solar physicist who believes we must monitor magnetic field at Sun’s both poles to make space weather forecast useful for human space exploration beyond Earth.

Christian Möstl

Inventing the next generation of space weather prediction.


Sun Earth Solar Weather and Amateur Radio propagation maps by Radio Amateur VE3EN

The Lea Family -

The amazing Lea Family – 6 Radio Amateurs in one family.

YOTA - Youngters On The Air

YOTA is a group of young radio amateurs from IARU Region 1. Most of us are under the age of 26. Each year we get together in different European countries to spend some quality time. Not only just having fun and playing games, we come up with new ideas, new projects, plans for the future, etc. During the other months of the year we gather on the bands and have some fun together, take part in contests or just make some YOTA-skeds.

Reddit Forum /r/AmateurRadio

Reddit’s ever bursting (90,000 +subscribers ) at the seams with Radio Amateur’s /r/AmateurRadio forum. Every possible safe-for-work question about Amateur Radio.

Reddit Forum /r/hamdevs

Reddit’s for for Ham Radio Developer discussions.  Not for the faint of heart – deep technical discussions…

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